Deadline donors get on a list we’re showing Bernie.

Before the clock runs out on tonight’s midnight deadline, we want to be able to tell Bernie how many supporters became Deadline Donors.

Get on the list now before we send it to Bernie.


Sisters, Brothers, and Friends -

We want to be clear about what’s at stake here:

Heather in Nebraska got on the list we’re showing Bernie with a $3 donation. So did Angeles in Puerto Rico with a $2.70 contribution. And Nancy in Massachusetts did too, chipping in $27.

How about you? Will you become a deadline donor so we can tell Bernie?

Become a deadline donor with a $2.70 contribution to our campaign before tonight’s midnight deadline.

While many of our opponents cozy up to wealthy donors at fancy fundraisers to get big checks, it’s people like Heather, Angeles, Nancy, and you, who power our campaign.

Thank you for being a part of this.

In solidarity,

Team Bernie