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Primary Election Voting Period Commencement and Tips:

A Reminder from Congressional Candidate Anthony Felix Jr.

I am reaching out to remind you that voter ballots will be mailed out beginning this Monday. Additionally, the voting format for Los Angeles County has changed. Here are a few highlights:

• Voters will be able to vote in-person at any vote center in LA County.
• Voters will no longer be assigned to one location or limited to only Election Day.
• Approximately 250 voter centers will open 10 days before Election Day and will increase to approximately 1,000 locations beginning 3 days before, as well as on Election Day.

Sample Ballots will list vote center information. Voters can go to or call 800-815-2666 to find any LA County vote center.

Our district includes Bell, Bellflower, Bell Gardens, Commerce, Cudahy, Downey, East Los Angeles, Huntington Park, Maywood, Paramount, Vernon, the neighborhoods of Florence, Florence-Graham, Historic South Central and South Park in South Los Angeles.

Please go to to get informed or updated on our campaign. Also, be sure to check out the events page updates periodically.

Lastly, if you are willing and able to make a contribution to support our efforts please click this link.

I hope to earn your vote,

Dr. Anthony Felix Jr.,
U.S. Congressional Candidate, CA-40


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Paid for by Anthony Felix Jr. for Congress 2020 | FEC ID #C00711382

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