I was an 18-year-old starry-eyed kid when I went to West Point. By my sophomore year, the gravity of what I had taken on began to set in. It was September 11, 2001, and virtually everything in my life and the lives of my classmates would be changed forever.

I first deployed to Iraq in 2005 as an Intelligence Officer for my infantry unit. I served two tours, a total of 27 months in combat. I saw the full cost of war: the loss, the suffering, and the sacrifice.
I learned hard and fast what it was like to be on the receiving end of bad foreign policy coming out of Washington. Policy written and decided primarily by those who have never put on the uniform, never spent a day in combat, and had no idea the very real and human price that would be paid for their decisions. Politicians like Kevin McCarthy, who continues to delay bringing the Iraq Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) repeal to a vote on the House floor.

Team, I support a repeal of the Iraq AUMF. In honor of those who served, those still serving, and those who now live with the physical and unseen consequences of forever wars.
Kevin McCarthy continues to delay bringing this vote to the floor of the House. He’s never worn the uniform, never served, and hasn’t spent a single day living with the impact of bad foreign policy decisions made by Washington politicians. These delays are a cowardly abdication of the role of Congress and insulting to all who have served. I am demanding that he bring the vote on the Iraq AUMF to the floor immediately.
If you stand with me and with our veterans, please add your name to my petition calling on Kevin McCarthy to bring this to a vote right away.
I fight on the side of the patriots, the veterans, and the people who continue to put their lives on hold in service of our country. This is why I chose to run for office. Every action our government takes has an impact. All who serve this country, their families, and my fellow soldiers deserve leadership in Washington that puts them first.
Every day I hope to live up to that.
Thank you for listening and for standing with patriots.
Yours in service,