How to Raise Pornography Resistant Kids

As parents, when the topic of protecting our children from pornography comes up, we often go right to that overwhelmed, frustrated, and scared state of mind. Thoughts like:

😥“How can I keep my child from seeing pornography?!? I can barely keep track of him, much less what is on his phone.”

😫“I try and try with filters, monitors, and rules, then my kids go to school, or a friend’s house and they see it anyway!” 

😱“Oh no! Her brain is going to be ruined forever! The parental controls never work like they should!”

Childhood pornography exposure is a serious issue and NCOSE is working to hold online platforms accountable to prevent it. But in the meantime, it is also valuable to prepare our children to become pornography resistant!

There are three important aspects of building pornography resistance. Read about them here!

📣 ACTION: Ask Congress to Protect Children!

If you are a U.S. resident, please take 30 SECONDS to ask Congress to pass legislation that will protect children from exposure to pornography, along with other online harms.

FREE Webinar: Body Boundaries and Online Safety

Alejandra Monroy of the National Center on Missing and Exploitation and Kimberly Perry of We Stand Guard are co-hosting a webinar "Body Boundaries and Online Safety: How to Talk to Your Kids." 

WHEN: April 27, 2023, 2 PM EST

Part 1 with Kimberly will be on teaching your kids about boundaries and body safetyusing child friendly language, easy slogans, a simple jingle, and 5 concepts to say "NO". 

Part 2 with Alejandra will be about trends and prevention strategies in online safety, with a particular focus on sextortion and self-generated child sexual abuse material. 

Register for FREE here!

Netflix Glamorizes Sexual Abuse and Exploitation

Netflix is a staple of at-home entertainment, with over 200 million subscribers streaming their content worldwide. Yet mixed in with the fun and entertainment, is rampant sexual objectification and glamorization of abuse. Sociologists have identified a marked increase in graphic sex scenes and gratuitous nudity permeating Netflix shows. Further, Netflix continues a trend of normalizing the sexualization of children and whitewashing the violence and exploitation in prostitution.

📣 ACTION: Ask Netflix to stop selling sexploitation as "entertainment"

Please take 30 SECONDS to contact Netflix using this quick action form!


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