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RESPONSE NEEDED: Add your name to demand Trump be banned from running for office! [[link removed]]
Jack - Donald Trump is now the first president in history to:
❌ Be impeached twice
❌ Incite an insurrection
❌ And now, be indicted on criminal charges
And now we need to have Donald Trump make history by being the only former president Congress has banned from running for office.
SIGN THE PETITION: Tell Congress to ban Donald Trump from running for office under the 14th Amendment! [[link removed]]
Democrats have a bill drafted that will ban Donald Trump from running for office under the 14th Amendment.
Donald Trump led a deadly insurrection against Congress to keep himself in power.
He's now under criminal indictment.
And he's running again to lead the government he tried to destroy.
We need another 400 petition signatures from 94041 to turn up the pressure.
Sign our petition and tell Congress to ban Donald Trump from running for office under the 14the Amendment! [[link removed]]
SIGN ON NOW [[link removed]]
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