As a result of winter impacts, Wyoming Game and Fish Department wildlife managers have made significant adjustments to hunting season proposals in many areas of the state. The modified set of draft regulations are now available for public viewing and will be presented to the Wyoming Game and Fish Commission on April 18 in Casper.
Initial season proposals were presented during public meetings around the state in March. After considering the ongoing impacts of winter and the overwhelming public concern, wildlife managers modified their recommendations in areas with extreme winter mortality.
Modifications are highlighted in yellow in the draft regulations below.
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The Wyoming Game and Fish Department manages and conserves more than 800 species of fish and wildlife across Wyoming. ?For nearly 120 years, we?ve carried out our mission to conserve wildlife and serve people. Through these efforts, the Wyoming Game and Fish Department ensures the public continues to enjoy Wyoming?s vast fish and wildlife resource ?through ?hunting, fishing, trapping, wildlife watching and other forms of outdoor recreation. Hunters, anglers and wildlife watchers contribute over a billion dollars to Wyoming?s economy each year.