Elect Katie Hobbs

We’re back with another edition of Hear It From Hobbs, our newsletter with the latest headlines about Governor Hobbs and her administration’s work. Were you forwarded this email by a friend? Sign up to continue receiving our biweekly newsletter here!
We hope you’ll take a few minutes to read these updates, but if you’re short on time, you can show your support for the Governor by pitching in now:

The Copper Courier: Gov. Hobbs Vetoes Personhood Bill That Would Have Further Criminalized Abortion

Katie has stayed true to her campaign promise to protect reproductive freedom by using the full power of her administration to stop restrictive, dangerous legislation from becoming law.

Katie’s message is clear: Transgender Day of Visibility

A screenshot of Katie's tweet that reads 'On Transgender Day of Visibility, my message is clear: we see you, we love you for who you are, and we will never let others legislate your identities into the dark.'


ABC 15: Governor signs bill offering more money to displaced mobile home park tenants

Arizonans are experiencing a housing crisis, and Katie is doing everything she can to help support folks in need. This new law will grant funds to Arizonans who are forced to leave their mobile homes to help alleviate moving costs.

Giving the gift of life: Thank you Red Cross AZ!

A screenshot of Katie's tweet that reads 'Protecting the health and well-being of Arizonans is one of my top priorities as Governor, and donating blood today is just one small part of that. Thanks to all the @RedCrossAZ staff, volunteers, & blood donors doing the critically important work to give the gift of life!'


AZ Mirror: Katie Hobbs will shatter Janet Napolitano’s veto records

Katie said at the start of her administration “Send me good bills and I’ll sign them.” Well… extreme Republicans in the state legislature don’t seem to be interested in passing meaningful legislation. Instead, they’re sending out-of-touch bills that do nothing to help Arizonans.

Leading the nation: Arizona’s international partnerships

A screenshot of a tweet from the Arizona Commerce Authority that reads 'Arizona’s international partnerships have never been stronger! @GovernorHobbs #ISOTS'


Arizona Capitol Times: Hobbs should be able to acquire team leaders

Pinpointing issues Arizonans are facing and then appointing experts on that subject to tackle those issues is all part of what good governing entails. That’s exactly what Katie has been trying to do, but extreme Republicans in the state legislature are doing everything they can to slow down this necessary process.

We can’t contain our excitement: Approaching 100 days!

Katie’s 100th day as Governor is next Wednesday, and we’re gathering signatures for a congratulations card to share with her on the special day. Will you add your name to help us celebrate #Hobbs100?

As always, thank you for taking the time to read these updates. Forward this email to a friend to help spread the word! We’ll be in touch soon with more of the latest news.

If you haven’t already, be sure to check out our new #AZforEveryone and Juntos merch — click here to shop, and show your support for Katie and a brighter, more inclusive Arizona:

A gif showing tote bags, shirts, stickers, and more from the Katie Hobbs store.



Team Hobbs