I apologize for the lateness of the KCDC Legislative Update this week. I've attached it below. The legislature is in recess until April 24 when they return for the veto session. The Senate Ways and Means Committee and the House Appropriations Committee will meet jointly to hear the Consensus Revenue Estimates and the Governor's Budget Amendments on Monday April 24th at 9:00 am in room 346-S. They will meet later in room 548-S to discuss and take possible action on the Omnibus bill, but no time was set in the Senate calendar. If you have issues you want to talk to your legislator about, please reach out to them in your community. The legislative website provides personal contact information about each Representative and Senator. If you find any errors or have questions about the legislative update, please let me know. Martha Martha K. Gabehart | Executive Director [email protected] | www.kcdcinfo.ks.gov