
A message from our sponsor


The Democrats have finally lost it. 

From their open borders policies to their war on your guns, it’s becoming clearer and clearer that the Democrats have NO common sense.   

That’s why they’ve launched their assault on the President.   

I’m in the US Senate hearing the case, and it’s becoming clearer and clearer to me that this impeachment sham was clearly the Democrats trying to score some cheap political points in the run-up to the 2020 election.   

The partisan impeachment circus is another step in their assault on the President. We need to fight it every step of the way.   

Friend, I’m asking you to send me an emergency last minute contribution here: 

Our President is under siege.   

In the US Senate, Democrats are doing every single thing they can to end his successful Presidency by calling anti-Trump witnesses and asking them loaded questions.   

But that’s not the only thing they’re doing to destroy our President.   

They’re running another campaign, a subtler campaign. They’re investing millions of dollars trying to turn red states blue.   

In fact, Billionaire New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg has already spent millions of his own money attacking the President in Texas, my home state. 

We’re out there fighting a two-front war, and it’s why my team and I are working to defend the President on both fronts.  

But it’s also why I need to know if you’re on the President’s team by contributing right now.

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The fight to defend the President is on, and we don’t have a lot of time. The Democrats are living on CNN and MSNBC. Every minute they’re on TV is another chance they and their media cronies can attack our President.  

We can’t let that go unchallenged. We have to fight back.

The liberal media and millions of radical socialists are doing everything they can to destroy America’s President. We can’t let that go unchallenged. I know you’re busy.  But, please, help us defend the President by fast tracking a $15, $35, or $50 contribution today.

For Liberty,  

Ted Cruz