In the wake of the Nashville shooting, the Tennessee Three spoke out.  

🚨 Breaking news from Tennessee 🚨

Tennessee GOP expels 2 Democratic lawmakers for anti-gun violence protests — NBC News

In the wake of the horrific act of gun violence in Nashville, the Tennessee Three — state Representatives Gloria Johnson, Justin Jones, and Justin Pearson — spoke out.

They bravely joined gun safety advocates to protest on the state House floor last week to demand action on gun safety. And yesterday, the majority-white Republican House Caucus voted to expel Rep. Jones and Rep. Pearson — the two Black members of the Tennessee Three. It’s shameful and undemocratic. 

Now, Tennessee Democrats are preparing for a critical special election cycle in 2023, when we have the opportunity to re-elect Rep. Jones and Rep. Pearson to once again represent their districts so they can continue speaking out on behalf of the safety and wellbeing of their communities. Please split a donation between the Tennessee Democratic Party and Fair Fight today >>

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We need gun safety legislation, and we need it now. 

It’s the duty of our leaders to speak up when injustice occurs — especially when that injustice takes the form of mass shootings that continue to take lives while devastating our children and our communities. 

Fair Fight stands in solidarity with lawmakers that prioritize duty, democracy, and the lives of their constituents over the politics of fear and white supremacy, and we will support the Tennessee Democratic Party as they gear up for this year’s critical special election. 

Please rush a split donation today to support the Tennessee Democratic Party and Fair Fight’s work to elect pro-democracy, pro-gun safety champions >>


Thank you so much, 

The Fair Fight Team