Shocking report reveals that Clarence Thomas accepted gifts from Republican mega-donors

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“Justice Clarence Thomas accepted several luxury trips paid for by GOP megadonor, ProPublica report finds”

Clarence Thomas

SIGN NOW: Impeach Clarence Thomas for potential ethics violations >>

BREAKING: Multiple top Democrats are calling for Clarence Thomas to be IMPEACHED!!!

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: This is beyond party or partisanship. This degree of corruption is shocking - almost cartoonish. Thomas must be impeached. Barring some dramatic change, this is what the Roberts court will be known for: rank corruption, erosion of democracy, and the stripping of human rights.

And MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell isn’t backing down either!!!

Lawrence O'Donnell: [This is the] gravest scandal in the history of the United States Supreme Court… As a Supreme Court justice, Clarence Thomas is now very much out of control.

SIGN NOW: Impeach Clarence Thomas for potential ethics violations >>


We’ve known for over a year now the vast depths of corruption throughout Clarence Thomas’s career, including with his wife, Ginni.

But now, he’s on the legal hook for massive ethics violations, which could include millions in gifts from MAGA mega-donors. Take a look at this quote from the article featured on CNN’s homepage:


“The ProPublica report describes Thomas accepting travel hospitality from Crow that included lavish trips to Indonesia, New Zealand, California, Texas and Georgia. Some of these trips reportedly included travel on Crow’s super yacht or stays at properties owned by Crow or his company. ProPublica also identified what appear to be several trips taken by Thomas on Crow’s private jet that went undisclosed on his public ethics filings, though one Thomas trip on Crow’s jet was disclosed in 1997.

Crow, a Dallas businessman with deep connections to Republican politics, has contributed more than $10 million in publicly disclosed political contributions, ProPublica reported.

ProPublica documents a painting that hangs at the Crows’ Adirondacks property depicting Thomas, Crow and other influential figures in Republican politics, including Leonard Leo, the former Federalist Society head who played a crucial role in Trump’s makeover of the federal bench.”

Friend – this is one of the biggest bombshell reports regarding a sitting United States Supreme Court Justice in our nation’s history.

Clarence Thomas must be impeached. He has no excuses at this point.

So we’re collecting signatures from strong Democrats like you to demand he be IMPEACHED by Congress! Please add your name now >>>

SIGN NOW: Impeach Clarence Thomas for potential ethics violations >>

Thank you for taking a stand.


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