The Hill: The federal government wants to micromanage the nation’s housing


The federal Fair Housing Act forbids intentional discrimination, such as a landlord rejecting an applicant because of their race. New rulemaking by the Department of Housing and Urban Development stretches the prohibitions even further to include what might unintentionally harm a minority.

The ultimate result, Ethan Blevins explains, could place tremendous power in the hands of one federal agency to manage housing across the nation

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Across the political spectrum, people agree that home equity theft must end


On April 26, PLF will argue Tyler v. Hennepin County at the Supreme Court. At issue is whether local governments can take absolute title to a person’s home for tax debts, even when the home is worth more than the debt, interest, and costs.

Yet the road to justice at the Supreme Court did not begin with the Tyler case. PLF, with the involvement of several other organizations, kept up a drumbeat of cases and other advocacy that is typical of many landmark civil rights victories.

Among the most tireless champions fighting to end home equity theft were AARP and its affiliates and The Buckeye Institute, writes Deborah La Fetra in her compilation of these wonderful allies’ principled support for our client, Geraldine Tyler, and for property rights.

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PLF releases ‘50 Years Bold’ retrospective


To commemorate 50 years suing the government in defense of liberty, PLF released a two-minute film, “50 Years Bold,” featuring clips from our archives. The film was screened at our 50th Anniversary Gala last month.

watch here

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