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Dear Jack,

Climate change activists continually agree that Net Zero is the way to go, but in reality, the concept of Net Zero is a dangerous trap. 

Net Zero aims to eliminate gases and emissions from the atmosphere, but 80% of the country is run on fossil fuels. The United States would not be able to function properly in a Net Zero society. 

Best-selling author and fossil-fuel activist Alex Epstein will be in Jackson in a few weeks to discuss why we need the oil and fuel industries and why we should reject the Net Zero agenda. 

Click on the image above to reserve a ticket!

Tickets for this event are on sale now, and you can purchase one here. You don't want to miss out!

A copy of Alex Epstein's book, "Fossil Future," will be provided with a purchase of each ticket. 

I hope to see you there!

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All the Best,

Tyler B. Jones
Director of Communications and Legislative Affairs
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