With Republicans in the House Majority and campaign experts predicting a tough cycle for Democrats, it’s imperative that we show financial strength - especially at this point in the election cycle.
Lisa Blunt Rochester for Congress

We’ll be very fast —

Lisa says that she was lucky that her first bosses were strong women who reinforced the values of working hard, creating a level playing field, and extending a hand to those who need it.

Those values inform the work we do here on Team Lisa.

Our campaign holds those values up as our north star, and we can’t fully deliver on them if we fall short of our fundraising goals.

April is off to a slow start and we’re counting on your help. It’s a big ask, but are you able to make a $300 donation? If not, we completely understand. It’s a lot of money! Could you chip in $10 instead? It would go a long way.

With Republicans in the House Majority and campaign experts predicting a tough cycle for Democrats, it’s imperative that we show financial strength - especially at this point in the election cycle.

We know your money is hard-earned, and we don’t ask lightly. Anything you can give ahead of the weekend will make a huge difference.

Here’s the link again.

Thank you very much,

Team Lisa

Congresswoman Lisa Blunt Rochester is a Democrat representing the First State, Delaware. She served as the National Co-Chair of the Biden-Harris campaign and Co-Chair of the DCCC ‘Red to Blue’ program. Lisa is running for reelection to continue fighting for our health care, leading the charge toward environmental justice, and advocating for working families like hers.

Paid for by Lisa Blunt Rochester for Congress

Lisa Blunt Rochester for Congress
PO BOX 9767
Wilmington, DE 19810
United States