Is it really a surprise that a liberal billionaire who spent $120 million on a “Need to Impeach” campaign is touting impeachment? Fox News reported Jan. 24, that “[2020 Democratic presidential candidate] Tom Steyer weighed in
January 27th on The Mark Levin Show: MRC President Brent Bozell weighed in on the latest controversy involving NPR. Listen to the interview here
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Steyer on Impeachment: My Goal ‘Always Was to Get the Facts’
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By Joseph Vazquez | 27 Jan 2020
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Is it really a surprise that a liberal billionaire who spent $120 million on a “Need to Impeach” campaign is touting impeachment? Fox News reported Jan. 24, that “[2020 Democratic presidential candidate] Tom Steyer weighed in...
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MSNBC’s Scarborough Touts Rick Wilson Group Attack Ad After Embarrassing CNN Segment
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By Joseph Vazquez | 30 Jan 2020
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Michael Bloomberg Does Nutty Video Promoting ‘Big Gay Ice Cream’
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By Joseph Vazquez | 29 Jan 2020
Tell the Senate to stop wasting time on impeachment--call your Senators now!
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