Dear?Friend --

We are excited to announce Congresswoman Elise Stefanik (NY-21) as a confirmed special guest speaker at RightNOW Women PAC's February 26th event!

As the youngest Republican woman ever elected to Congress in United States history, Rep. Stefanik has proven to be a champion of women's empowerment?on Capitol Hill. Through her work with E-PAC, she has made it her mission to increase the ranks of Republican women serving alongside her.

We are thrilled to have Reps. Stefanik, Susan Brooks (IN-05), Virginia Foxx (NC-05), Vicky Hartzler (MO-04), Debbie Lesko (AZ-08), and Jackie Walorski (IN-02) join us in less than a month for our kickoff event!?




Wednesday, February 26

6:00 - 8:00 pm

700 Pennsylvania Ave SE, Suite #520, Washington, DC 20003


Single Tickets

  • $35 for a single ticket for those 39 and younger
  • $75 for a single ticket for those 40 and over

Renew Your Membership for 2020 and Receive a Complimentary Single Ticket - Join RightNOW Women PAC

  • $100 Founder-Level Membership for 2020?for those 39 and younger (limited time special)
  • $1,000 Advisor-Level Membership for 2020?for those 40 and over (limited time special)
  • $260?Yellow Rose Supporter for 2020?in honor of the date the 19th Amendment became law, August 26, 1920

Click?here?for more information on sponsorship packages.


The number of Republican women running for Congress this cycle is at an all-time high--let's make sure they have the resources they need to win! Can't wait to see you on February 26th!



RightNOW Women PAC Events Committee




RightNOW Women PAC is the leading voice for young and engaged professionals, dedicated to supporting and electing qualified, viable Republican women to federal office. For more information, please visit us at

Keep up with RightNOW Women PAC on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram

RightNOW Women PAC ? PO Box 30844, Bethesda, MD 20824, United States
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