Mothers Against Greg Abbott Logo

“Clear Eyes, Full Hearts, Can’t lose.”

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Hi John,

On Thursday, Vouchers/ESA’s did not pass in the Texas House of Representatives.

But that doesn’t mean this fight is over.

On Tuesday April 11, the TX Senate will be voting on school vouchers. And we are hard at work asking everyone to please call their Legislators and creating new anti-voucher Ad campaign. But we need your help!

We need to raise $10,000 to cover the cost of the Ad plus anything over will go to a targeted digital ad campaign. We don’t have big donors behind our grassroots movement. We are literally raising money $25 at a time. And this is the big ask for the Legislative season.

Please chip in now and help us reach our $10,000 goal >>

Help sponsor our newest Ad >>

We rolled out a new T-shirt today

If you don’t know, TMF is what Trey Martinez Fischer goes by. He’s the head of the TX House Democrats and he’s spectacular on the floor of the Texas House. He is really killing it! And we are #TeamTMF.

Find out more