The Lincoln Project just issued a new warning for Democrats ↙↙↙

The Lincoln Project: Trump's indictment last week was the end of the Republican primary. Just as we predicted, every single Republican fell in line in support of a criminal who has repeatedly violated the Constitution, tried to steal an election, & incited an insurrection. This is their top choice.

Republicans will support Donald Trump regardless of the criminal charges he is facing, so tap here to convict Donald Trump >>

Stand with the Lincoln Project: Convict Donald J. Trump >>


Donald Trump was just INDICTED and ARRAIGNED by the Manhattan District Attorney’s office.

But he is continuing his 2024 presidential campaign even after this indictment and other impending charges - he’s even receiving millions in donations!


So The Lincoln Project is sounding the alarm and demanding Trump’s conviction:

The Lincoln Project: He must pay for his crime.

Stand with the Lincoln Project and demand Trump’s conviction >>

Stand with the Lincoln Project: Convict Donald J. Trump >>


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