We need a lot more donations before tonight at midnight in order to reach our goals.

Friends -

I am writing to you today to ask if you can make a contribution before tonight's FEC fundraising deadline ends – the last one before the Iowa caucus.

Let me be very clear:

Lots of people making small donations is the only way we are funding this campaign. And we need a lot more donations before tonight at midnight in order to reach our goals.

The billionaire class will spend obscene amounts of money to defeat us – in fact, they already are. That is why I need to ask:

Can I count on you to make a $2.70 contribution before our FEC fundraising deadline ends at midnight? Your contribution will help determine the success of our campaign.

From the very start of this campaign, we knew we would be taking on the entire political establishment, the corporate media, and the financial elite of this country. But as long as we continue standing together, we are going to win.

- Bernie