In new bombshell reporting from Pro Publica, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas was exposed for taking 20 years' worth of expensive vacations on yachts and other luxury travel from right-wing billionaire Harlan Crow -- all without disclosing anything.
In addition to being a Republican mega donor, Harlan Crow has also given to corporate Democrats like Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin and funded organizations controlled by Clarence's wife, Ginni -- who was heavily involved with the election denial campaign that led to January 6th.
Clarence Thomas' failure to disclose these massive gifts undermines our judicial system and the rule of law. Add your name to demand Democrats begin impeachment proceedings against Clarence Thomas to remove him from the Supreme Court!
These revelations about Clarence Thomas are far from surprising. Still, they offer a window into how the economic elite use their wealth and power to skew the justice and political system in their favor.
Funding extravagant trips for Justice Thomas allowed Harlan Crow and others who joined their vacations access to a Supreme Court justice with the power to make judicial precedents and rule on cases directly related to their businesses.
Clarence Thomas is an active threat to our democracy and must be removed from the Supreme Court immediately. Sign here if you agree!
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