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When we think of Easter, we often think of cute chicks and colorful eggs, both of which represent new life. Sadly though, the reality for chicks and egg laying hens is one of suffering, not just at Easter, but all year round.

Animal Outlook’s latest video, The Life of an Egg Laying Hen, shows the truth behind cheerful Easter marketing, instead showing what chicks and hens endure after being born into an industry that sees them as money-making objects.

Will you take the time to consider how your Easter choices impact animals this weekend? The only way to protect chicks and hens from suffering is to leave them and their eggs off your plate.

Will you help chicks and hens trapped in the cruel animal agriculture system this Easter?

Easter images show happy chicks, sometimes hatching in green fields. This could not be further from the truth with most chicks hatching in industrial buildings. Instead of knowing their mother’s love as soon as they are born, they are jostled around on conveyor belts, often being hurt or killed in the process. Male chicks, who are considered worthless to the egg industry, are ground up alive in a macerator.

Newly hatched chicks are often debeaked using a painful procedure that burns off the ends of their beaks. These chicks don’t spend time on the nice grass; instead, they are crammed into filthy sheds while they grow. At around 18 weeks of age, these chicks will start laying eggs, and will end up in egg production facilities crammed into tiny wire cages, hardly able to move.

At around two years of age, the egg production of hens kept in animal agriculture facilities slows down. The industry no longer considers them profitable, and despite being only a quarter of the way through their natural lifespan, they are sent to slaughter where their throats are cut or they are gassed.

All of this suffering is simply because people choose to eat chickens and their eggs. Will you stand up and fight for these birds and all other animals trapped in the animal agriculture industry? Your support will help expose animal cruelty and inspire people to make kind choices.

Click here to help chicks and hens this Easter
Together, we will create a better tomorrow for all animals.

With gratitude,

Cheryl Leahy
Executive Director
PS. Have you signed up yet for VegWeek 2023? From April 16-22 you can join thousands of others to explore vegan eating. We’ll be right by your side to support you with tips and recipes. By joining, you’ll be entered to win prizes from vegan companies. Don’t want to do it alone? You can recruit your family and friends and you’ll increase your chances of winning an amazing vegan prize.
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