Democrats in Olympia didn’t waste much time taking advantage of the State Supreme Court’s bizarre decision legalizing a state income tax just as long as it’s called an “excise tax.”
Shift Washington


Democrats in Olympia didn’t waste much time taking advantage of the State Supreme Court’s bizarre decision legalizing a state income tax just as long as it’s called an “excise tax.” A mere 10 days after the ruling, Democrat State Senators Christine Rolfes and Emily Randall created a 7.5% “excise tax” on the “excess compensation” of – very specifically – hospital administrators.

In a worrisome twist in their never-ending desire to raise taxes, the Democrats’ new tax proposal targets a specific group of people. As Republican Leader JT Wilcox pointed out, Democrats’ latest tax push isn’t just about the money. It’s about demonizing a group and using the Legislature to go after them. Rep. Wilcox warned, “(A)nd if anybody thinks they won’t be part of some unpopular groups sometime, they should think again. The idea of using legislation to attack individual groups, small groups of people, is just so corrosive.”

There are some people who will never have to worry about Democrats targeting them through taxes – those who belong to groups that line the pockets of Democrat legislators. Far from being demonized, the Democrats’ biggest campaign contributors – including state employee and public sector unions – are showered with rewards.

As Shift WA has pointed out, Democrats’ current $70 billion budget bills reward state employee and public sector unions with hefty pay raises – nearly a billion dollars’ worth. Of course, the unions will then put big money back into Democrat campaign accounts. It’s more of the same corrupt pattern – your taxpayer dollars working for Democrats.

You cannot count on what remains of mainstream media outlets to hold Democrats accountable for their record-breaking spending spree. After all, Democrats also have them in their pockets. Their latest spending spree also doles out taxpayer dollars to media outlets – a concerning conflict of interest that isn’t all that surprising to those paying attention.

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