This morning, Social Security Works’s Executive Director Alex Lawson was on C-SPAN’s Washington Journal, debunking myths and shedding light on the TRUE threats to our Social Security system.
Over 45 minutes, Alex Lawson took calls from people who mainly repeated talking points from Wall Street’s decades-long “Leninist Strategy” to undermine Social Security. Lawson displayed an unusual degree of patience as one business owner who claimed to make over $7 million a year challenged him on whether his 16% effective tax rate is too high.
And when the host played a clip from Koch-funded anti-Social Security talking head Charles Blahous, Alex answered as straightforwardly as you can:
“with all due respect to Chuck, the man is a paid liar.”
Watch the opening of Alex’s appearance, then chip in $7 to keep fighting to get the media to report the TRUTH about Social Security!
Wall Street’s strategy is to make Social Security seem complicated, but it isn’t. We can either take money away from seniors who get $1,700 a month from Social Security benefits, or make millionaires and billionaires pay their fair share and have enough left over to increase benefits by $200 per month.
Social Security is a simple, universal system that everyone puts money into, and is there for everyone when they need it. That simplicity helps it be extraordinarily efficient, spending less than 1% of every dollar on administrative expenses.
Watch Alex on C-SPAN, then chip in $7 today!
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Michael Phelan
Social Security Works
P.S. We just have a few minutes on YouTube for the link above, but if you want to see the whole thing, you can watch it on C-SPAN’s website here.
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Social Security Works leads the fight every day to expand and protect our Social Security system. Become a member today.
The Truth About Social Security
From SSW's President, Nancy Altman, this book uses the words of the people who built our Social Security system to debunk myths and reveal the truth about the most popular and successful government program in our nation's history Order your copy today!
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