January 31, 2020
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Can you believe it?
Armand C. Hale

January 30, 2020
RENEWAMERICA STAFF ? RenewAmerica has partnered with multi-national pro-life organization Real Estate for Life to help sustain the work of RenewAmerica. Real Estate for Life is a faith-based real estate network that funds "gospel of life groups worldwide."... (more)

January 30, 2020
SELWYN DUKE ? A common belief among conservatives is that Democrats have blundered in their impeachment trial argumentation, that they've shot themselves in the foot. Perhaps so. But we should remember that their goal cannot, logically, be to win over the Senate so President Trump can be ousted from office before November.... (more)

January 30, 2020
JERRY NEWCOMBE ? How is it that a communist, for all practical purposes, is winning in the Iowa caucuses at present? If there is anything that history shows repeatedly, it is that socialism, including its more violent form, communism, is an utter failure by every criterion imaginable.... (more)

January 30, 2020
BRYAN FISCHER ? We've seen it happen before. There was Brett Kavanaugh, attacked relentlessly and shamelessly with scurrilous, unfounded, and uncorroborated accusations from decades ago. Then there was Judge Roy Moore, again ambushed with defamatory and manufactured accusations from decades ago, all of which fell apart on closer examination. For the past three plus years, regressives have been trying to politically decapitate the president of the United States using the same sleazy tactics.... (more)

January 30, 2020
Wrap up of Jan. 30 proceedings
YOUTUBE ? The president has every reason to be glad and happy, because it's about to be game over. Chuck Schumer said the Democrats do not have the votes to keep this going any longer. Today, he said it would be an uphill fight to call additional witnesses.... (more)

January 30, 2020
REAL CLEAR POLITICS ? President Trump tweets a video of a Radio Free Europe interview with then-National Security Adviser John Bolton describing President Trump's call with Ukraine President Zelensky as cordial. "I will be meeting President Zelensky. He and President Trump have already spoken twice. The president called to congratulate President Zelensky on his election and on his success in the parliamentary election," Bolton said in August 2019.... (more)

January 30, 2020
YOUTUBE ? Question: "Did the President's Tweets about John Bolton help or hurt him?" Meadows: "Look, the media each and every day is going to critique every single Tweet that the President puts out, and try to be the jury, whether it helps or not..."... (more)

January 30, 2020
YOUTUBE ? The Senate continues the impeachment trial of President Trump. U.S. lawmakers and impeachment managers will take questions on the Senate floor as the trial enters its eighth day.... (more)

January 30, 2020
WORLDNETDAILY ? Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee took Sen. Mitt Romney of Utah to task, accusing the one-time GOP presidential nominee of only caring about himself, and not the good of the country.... (more)

January 30, 2020
WORLDNETDAILY ? Sen. Rand Paul is not happy about impeachment, particularly when it comes to rhetoric involving who's making money off of access to power. The libertarian-leaning Republican from Kentucky appeared Tuesday on Fox News, the same day that Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer held a news conference in which he accused both Donald Trump and his children of making money off of the presidency.... (more)

January 29, 2020
NEWSMAX ? The European Union grudgingly let go of the United Kingdom with a final vote Wednesday at the E.U.'s Parliament that ended the Brexit divorce battle and set the scene for tough trade negotiations in the year ahead.... (more)

January 28, 2020
BITCHUTE ? Finally, the adults are up to bat, and they are absolutely eviscerating the Schumer Schiff Sham Show. Finally, the truth is being told, finally.... (more)

January 28, 2020
FOX NEWS ? Harvard Law School Professor Alan Dershowitz, delivering a spirited constitutional defense of President Trump at his Senate impeachment trial Monday night, flatly turned toward House impeachment managers and declared they had picked "dangerous" and "wrong" charges against the president – noting that neither "abuse of power" nor "obstruction of Congress" was remotely close to an impeachable offense as the framers had intended.... (more)

January 27, 2020
CHRISTOPHER RUDDY ? The Senate is on the verge of a verdict in the impeachment trial of President Donald John Trump. Just four months after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced her "impeachment inquiry" we have learned really nothing new. The "facts" of the case have not changed.... (more)

January 27, 2020
From 'VERDICT with Ted Cruz,' the number one podcast in America
YOUTUBE ? Sen. Ted Cruz: "On Monday, President Trump's legal team will finally get to present the president's affirmative defense. Here's what I would argue."... (more)

January 27, 2020
WASHINGTON EXAMINER ? President Trump was justified in removing former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch from her post, Sen. Tom Cotton said. "He was told...that she was 'running around Kyiv, badmouthing you, and saying that you're going to be impeached,'" Cotton said Sunday on Face the Nation. "The president has the right to remove any ambassador for any reason or no reason whatsoever. An ambassador badmouthing the president is a pretty sound reason to remove an ambassador."... (more)

January 27, 2020
WORLDNETDAILY ? Two American states are considering making it a felony to use puberty-blocker chemicals and surgeries to "transition" children from one sex to another. "No blood test, genetic testing, or brain imaging scans can confirm or deny the existence of a 'transgender' condition," said Jennifer Roback Morse, president of the Ruth Institute.... (more)

January 27, 2020
WASHINGTON EXAMINER ? This year's International Holocaust Remembrance Day, celebrated annually on Jan. 27, marks the passage of three-quarters of a century since the liberation of Auschwitz, the largest German Nazi death camp. Underscoring the importance of this anniversary is the global rise of the same anti-Jewish hate that spawned the genocide of 6 million Jews under the Nazi regime.... (more)

January 26, 2020
YOUTUBE ? Texas Senator Ted Cruz, Republican member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, joins Judge Jeanine Pirro on 'Justice' to discuss the Senate impeachment trial of President Trump.... (more)

January 26, 2020
C-SPAN ? Reps. Mark Meadows (R-NC), Jim Jordan (R-OH), Elise Stefanik (R-NY) and others spoke to reporters immediately following the first day of opening arguments by the president's defense team. Rep. Stefanik told reporters, "It took less than two hours to completely shred and eviscerate Adam Schiff's failed case for impeachment."... (more)

January 26, 2020
Schiff: 'Your head will be on a pike' if you defy GOP leadership
YOUTUBE ? Sen. Marsha Blackburn reacts to Adam Schiff's comments that GOP Senators were warned "vote against the president and your head will be on a pike."... (more)

January 26, 2020
WORLDNETDAILY ? The ruling by the nation's top spy court that at least two of the four warrants obtained by the Obama administration to surveil onetime Trump campaign adviser Carter Page were "not valid" states that the FBI must "sequester all" relevant information and evidence.... (more)

January 25, 2020
CLIFF KINCAID ? In the span of just one week, at the Davos World Economic Forum, two globalists sounded the alarm about President Trump's America, declaring we are living in "revolutionary" times. This means another panic has set in, as Bolshevik Bernie is positioned to capture the Democratic presidential nomination and go down to another defeat, in much the same way that socialist Jeremy Corbyn's campaign imploded in Britain.... (more)

January 25, 2020
First president to ever attend and speak at the event
FACEBOOK ? Thursday, President Donald Trump gave a historic speech at the 47th annual March for Life in Washington, D.C., and declared the "eternal truth" that "every child is a precious and sacred gift from God."... (more)

January 25, 2020
'The Deep State rages against the swamp drainer'
FACEBOOK ? Sen. Mike Lee gives an update on the Senate impeachment trial, which he calls a "flagrant abuse of the impeachment power" by career Democrats and their Deep State operatives.... (more)

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