It’s time to change the law



I wanted to make sure you didn’t miss these sobering facts:


  • 33 Brits had an assisted death at Dignitas in 2022 - that’s the highest since the pandemic, and a 44% increase from last year.
  • It costs on average £10,000 to have an assisted death at Dignitas - very few can afford this.
  • We estimate over 600 terminally ill people in this country end their own lives every year.


These figures are sending a clear message: the ban on assisted dying is failing terminally ill people in Britain. Our broken system means that people have to pay thousands of pounds just to end their lives on their own terms.


It’s horrifying. We’re long overdue for change.


Friend,  I know that you believe that Brits facing terminal illness should have the right to end their lives in their own homes, not hundreds of miles away in Switzerland. That’s why I’m asking today:


Will you become a member and be part of the movement to change the law on assisted dying?



Thanks, Friend. Together, we will win the campaign and make sure that this country finally gives compassion and choice to its terminally ill citizens.


Lloyd Riley
Director of Policy & Research


Our campaign is powered by members - people who support us with a small regular gift so we can plan out the most effective actions to bring about an assisted dying law. Sign up and join thousands of other Dignity in Dying members across the country, from just £2 a month:

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