Hi John, quick reminder below that the census week for the National Mapping of Youth Arts provision carried out by UCC and ourselves ends this Feb 2nd, so if you have any work or projects that you think should be included you can submit them at the link below. All the best, Anne, NYCI.
Hello John,

I wanted to remind you that this week is census week for the National Mapping of Youth Arts Provision.

You have until February 2nd to make sure your work is counted in the first ever mapping of arts in youth work settings.
Add your project now!
National Mapping of Youth Arts Provision – Are You On The Map?
This important piece of research, led by University College Cork and NYCI, will provide data and evidence on young people’s engagement with the arts in youth work settings across the country.

Who can take part?
Youth workers, youth arts practitioners, youth work organisations, youth ensembles and anyone participating in youth arts in youth work settings. 

Why participate?
  • Profile your work.
  • Help create an accurate picture of youth arts in youth work settings nationally.
  • Support policy recommendations for more and better youth arts provision.
  • Be in with a chance to win €250 mini grants to pay for artist input or equipment for your group. (All participating organisations will be entered into draw for one of 10 grants available).
A national conference to launch the research, curated by young people and spotlighting their contribution to youth arts policy in Ireland will be held in late April.
Don’t miss out!
We know you’re busy, but please do make sure your work is on the map by inputting your information on www.mappingyoutharts.com where you can also read more about the project.

If you have any questions let me know.

Kind regards,


Anne O' Gorman
National Youth Arts Programme Manager
National Youth Council of Ireland
3 Montague Street
Dublin 2

PS: Adding your work is easy, just go to the 'submissions' tab when you're ready to input: https://www.mappingyoutharts.com/submissions/
NYCI - National Youth Council of Ireland
The NYCI Youth Arts Programme is a strategic partnership of The National Youth Council of Ireland, The Arts Council and The Department of Children and Youth Affairs.
Copyright © 2020 National Youth Council of Ireland, All rights reserved.
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