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Thursday, April 6th, 2023


The Restrict Act May Just Restrict You

Robert Jay Rowen, MD

Ukraine: A Colony of the US Since 1991

Helena Glass

The Trump Distraction Fiasco: Does this Leave the Door Open for Other Indictments or Just More Diversion?

Gary D. Barnett

The Great Gun Control Myth

Brian Wilson

The Parable of the Non-Racist Klansman

George Hollenback

Should the United States Go to War With China Over Taiwan?

Laurence M. Vance

Why the Regime Needs the Dollar To Be the Global Reserve Currency

Ryan McMaken

Don’t Worry, the Fed Seeks to ‘Minimize the Pain of the Journey’

Michael Shedlock

If Political Prosecution Can Happen to Trump, It Can Happen to Any of Us

Daisy Luther

Assange Is the Greatest Journalist of All Time

Caitlin Johnstone

The Medicare Records Clearly Show the Vaccines Are Killing People

Steve Kirsch

What Trump’s Indictment Means

Paul Craig Roberts

Political Theatre

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