Today I'd like to introduce Nickolas Wildstar, enrolled in our SWAT program for cross-ticket support! He is running for Mayor of Fresno, and is a very passionate Libertarian messenger! Learn about him in the bio below, and check out his YouTube channel!



Nickolas Wildstar is an American patriot that protests against corruption in government through activism and being a politician himself. A native of Milwaukee WI, Wildstar moved to California at the age of 17 to pursue a career in the music industry as the rap artist QBall. Unable to attract the attention of major record labels he chose to push his efforts forward independently which lead to personal successes. He has landed his music in movies such as the feature film Scary Movie 4 and gained worldwide distribution of his music online through pioneering technologies such as Pandora, i-Tunes, Spotify, and more.

Like most people felt after the tragic events of 9/11, Nickolas’ life had changed forever. So did the messages in his music which began to take on a more political tone. Especially after the election of Barack Obama in 2008 which Wildstar had seen as a pivotal time when he shifted away from the political theater due to unkept promises by the newly elected president. Public uproar by way of the Occupy Wall Street demonstration fueled him even more to get involved so he began to join in on the civil action as an Anonymous activist. Envisioning the future yet again, Wildstar foresaw the rise to political power these groups would one day achieve so he began to promote himself as an independent candidate for Governor of California gaining support and favor among them which earned him the moniker of Governor Wildstar. An incident shortly afterwards sealed his fate on being a fighter for freedom when he and his wife Crystal Wildstar, who were newly married, had been assaulted then arrested by police while living in Orange County. 

In the gubernatorial election of 2014 Nickolas Wildstar qualified as a write-in candidate and collected 12 votes statewide however when he ran again in 2018 as a Libertarian he won nearly 12,000 statewide. Wildstar says he first became an advocate for liberty, then a politician for it himself, after being introduced to the nation’s founding principle by Dr. Ron Paul. The torch of liberty once held by the former congressman of Texas has been passed on to Wildstar who continues to seek his way into public office. He has also run for a seat on City Council in Fullerton and is now vying to become the next Mayor of Fresno where him, his wife, and their newborn son, Chancellor, now reside.

See his website at

Should I wear my hat to California?

The Great Hat-roversy of 2020 continues! My next convention is in Culver City, CA on 2/14/2020. Should I go hatless? This is a straight up competition - whichever link raises the most donations before the convention wins. If pro-Hatness out-donates the mad anti-hatters, His Royal Hatness comes to California!

     Use the first link below to fight against my hat! Use the second link below to endorse my hat!

Keep the hat:

Donate to lose the hat:

Your donations, whether large or small, will ensure we get to the Libertarian Conventions. We need at least 250 people to donate at least $50 per month. That's less than being tax slaves!

In Liberty,

Dan Taxation Is Theft Behrman
