CBS News: Democrats urge court to block Trump rule that would allow indefinite detention of migrant families

Today we led a coalition of 19 states and Washington D.C. in formally opposing Trump’s cruel plan to detain migrant children for prolonged periods of time. 
Impeachment. The 2020 election. Breaking news. There is a lot happening right now — but we can’t let the partisan fighting distract us from White House actions challenging our American values to their core.
The Trump administration’s attempt to terminate the decades-old Flores Agreement — which prevents the prolonged detention of migrant children — is inadequate and unlawful. 
No child should ever be exposed to conditions that are harmful. That's why we can’t allow the Trump administration to cross the red line on something so fundamental. 
Team, can you add your name and join Xavier in opposing this illegal and harmful plan? 
Thank you, 
Team Becerra 


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