Tulsi Gabbard for President

Jack —

We have 48 HOURS left until we close the books on the first FEC deadline of 2020, and the last FEC deadline before votes are cast in Iowa and New Hampshire.

Together, we’ve overcome media blackouts, smear campaigns, and long odds to gain momentum on the ground — and it’s working.

Tulsi is primed to ride into February’s vote stronger than ever, and we can’t afford to wipe-out now before our most important deadline of the campaign.

We have 48 hours to close our $279,000 gap and reach $1 mil. We can do this. Can you chip-in $48 now?

Gif of Tulsi Snowboarding

These next 48 hours are truly make or break for our scrappy campaign that continues to defy expectations: Proving that when you give people who have felt left behind, and lied to a voice, we will use it.

Tulsi has made a personal commitment to serve each and every one of us regardless of personal or political cost. She’s here for ALL of us, and we need to be here for her today.

Will you chip-in now to make sure the power stays with the people?