
Last night was the conclusion of another NCAA basketball season with LSU winning the women’s national title and UConn taking the men’s title. While most of the focus might be around who won their bracket by successfully predicting the most wins, we can’t forget the fact that the NCAA is currently doing little to nothing to protect the integrity and future of women’s sports. 

Other organizations, like World Athletics, are taking steps to keep women’s sports female—preventing biological males from competing in the women’s division—but the NCAA still is letting this insanity continue. 

It’s a slap in the face to all female athletes.
NCAA’s new president, former Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker, and the rest of the NCAA administration are standing by the misguided opinion that biological males in women’s sports is not a determinant to female athletics.

They are WRONG. 

Competitive sport is a zero-sum game where some athletes make the cut, and others do not; someone wins, and others lose. As the number of biological male athletes compete on NCAA women’s teams and in women’s events grows, the risks to female athletes also grow. Claims to the contrary deny science, defy logic, and undermine Title IX. 
In the world of college sports, it is impossible to provide equal opportunities for both sexes without single-sex teams. Allowing biological males on women’s teams is blatant discrimination against female athletes.

The NCAA is not above the law.

Join me in demanding that the NCAA stop discriminating against women and establish rules to keep women’s sports female.

Former NCAA Athlete, 
Adriana McLamb