John: Securing a Democratic Senate is the only way to block the worst parts of Trump's dangerous agenda – and that hinges on flipping North Carolina blue. But, right now, the latest polls show this race in a DEAD HEAT: 

Democrats are neck and neck in North Carolina. DONATE NOW TO FLIP THIS SEAT AND TAKE BACK THE SENATE!

Democrat Cal Cunningham can flip this crucial Senate seat – but if the election were held today, he could lose. There's no path to taking back the Senate if we lose here – and Cal's falling short of his midnight fundraising goal just when he needs a strong showing.

Missing this goal would pave the way for another two years of Mitch McConnell's extremist agenda in the Senate – from packing the Supreme Court with more ultraconservative justices to ripping health care access away from millions of Americans. 

John, the stakes are too high to let that happen. Your gift right now could decide whether or not Cal flips North Carolina blue and Democrats take back the Senate – there's no way he closes this fundraising gap without the support of grassroots Democrats like you:

Will you rush $5 or more now – every dollar you can spare before midnight – to make sure Cal wins in North Carolina and Democrats take back the Senate to protect the future of the Supreme Court? Another two years of a McConnell-led Senate simply isn't an option.