The Earth Bill, introduced to Congress on January 27th, can’t be
passed soon enough. If your Congressmember initially laughed off this
bill as too drastic, hopefully the recent Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change (IPCC) report on the state of our Earth reinforced how
crucial this bill really is.
The problem is clear: We are making progress, but not
quickly enough. The IPCC report shows that adaptations in our
daily lives are making a dent on greenhouse gas emissions, but not
enough to reverse climate change.1
Now is the time to tell your Congressmember to
support The Earth Bill.
Every day more and more alarming climate news keeps emerging, but
there is one silver-lining amidst this barrage of news: We
have proven strategies to drastically reduce our greenhouse gas
emissions. The Earth Bill uses a science-backed, common sense
plan to reduce emissions.
The three main targets of The Earth Bill are energy, cars, and
food.2 The goal is for 100% renewable energy, 100% electric
vehicles, and completely regenerative agricultural practices by 2050.
These are undoubtedly lofty goals, but big problems require
lofty solutions.
The Earth Bill would allow us to keep heating our homes, going on
roadtrips, and eating the foods we love without pushing the earth
towards catastrophe. There is no better time to reverse the course of
climate change than the present.
Don’t give up. Make your voice heard and tell your
Congressmember that passing The Earth Bill can and WILL reduce
greenhouse gas emissions.
For our future,
Kathleen Rogers President
1. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change: https://www.ipcc.ch/report/sixth-assessment-report-cycle/
2. The Earth Bill: https://www.earthbill.org