
Dear John,


New York’s climate future is under attack. Fossil fuel corporations are trying to gut our nation-leading climate law, reverse our progress, and harm New Yorkers’ health. 


We need your help to fight back. 


Can you take 3 minutes to send a message to key NYS leaders that New Yorkers need climate action, not concessions? 

In 2019, we made a commitment to reduce emissions by 85% and be completely

carbon-neutral by 2050 with NY’s landmark Climate Act. But lawmakers are considering changes that would undermine its power and prevent us from phasing out harmful methane gasses. 


We need the full power of our Climate, Jobs & Justice Package to decarbonize NY, make our state healthier and more equitable, ensure a just transition for workers, and create a green economy for all.


Instead, polluters want to put profit over people and our planet. That’s why the climate community is coming together to ACT NOW.


There’s a better way toward a better world. This is our state, our environment, our future. 


Let’s stand together and send a message loud and clear to the Governor: reject rollbacks and invest in climate action. 

In solidarity,

Reyna Cohen, Just Transition Policy Manager