

Donald Trump has surrendered to authorities in Manhattan as a criminal defendant facing nearly three dozen felony charges.

These are FAR from the only crimes Trump committed while in office. From enriching himself and his family, to trying to overturn an election, to inciting an insurrection at our Capitol, he must be held accountable—because no one is above the law.

This small but important measure of accountability is only possible because people across this country ORGANIZED to defeat him in 2020. Thanks to organizers in states like Arizona, Georgia, and Pennsylvania, Trump was defeated and could finally face accountability for crimes he’s committed.

We need to replicate that success in TEXAS. Through year-round voter-to-voter organizing, we can expand the electorate, mobilize voters, and flip Texas once-and-for-all. That’s what Ground Game Texas is all about. 

We’re putting popular, progressive policies on the ballot to help make Texas more competitive. With your help, we can organize Texas to be a firewall against corrupt criminals like Donald Trump. But the work must start NOW.

Help us flip Texas and block people like Donald Trump from ever being elected. Chip in $20, or whatever you can afford, to help us bring progressive change to Texas.

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Thank you,

Ground Game Texas