Thank you, John.

With your support, we met the mark on our first FEC fundraising goal of 2023 -- I’m so grateful. As an important reminder, it’s your donations toward these critical fundraising deadlines that enable me to stay focused on the crucial work that we are tackling in Washington.

Last week, House Republicans passed a dirty energy bill (H.R. 1) that would open the floodgates for fossil fuel production and allow for more offshore drilling -- which I’ve been fighting against for much of my career. The good news is that the Senate is unlikely to bring this bill up for a vote, but it was a stark reminder of what the House GOP’s real priorities are.

In response to the GOP's likely-to-fail bill, I teamed up with Rep. Sean Casten of Illinois and will soon introduce the Clean Electricity Transmission Acceleration Act of 2023. Our counter would help speed up permitting for renewable energy projects and prioritize emission-reducing initiatives.

Read about the legislation here >>
Politico Clipping

We can't ignore the severity of the climate crisis, and our energy policy must be viewed from the lens of "Will it reduce greenhouse gas emissions?" It's my hope that this legislation will resonate across the Democratic caucus, and maybe with even a few enlightened Republicans who understand that if we build out new clean energy transmission, it will actually benefit their districts.

Again, I can't thank you enough for your ongoing support. You are making this work possible.
