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April 4, 2023

Observe Sexual Assault Awareness Month with Education and Support

Two people holding hands on a table.

Center Survivors: A Resource for Families and Educators in Responding to Sexual Violence

When a young person experiences sexual assault, a survivor-centered approach—from parents, caregivers, educators and everyone involved in the survivor’s life—is essential. Effective communication is critical to the well-being of young survivors, but because of restrictive laws and policies, many K-12 students are not receiving sex education that includes important lessons on consent, personal boundaries and sexual violence.

This new Learning for Justice article outlines strategies for supporting survivors and their families, including general guidance, terms and definitions to create a common understanding of sexual violence, and links to related resources and advocacy organizations. The information and recommendations provided here can be a starting point on what will be a longer journey for everyone involved when a young person experiences a sexual assault.

Read more here.

A student sitting in a school hallway with her face in her hands.

What If My Student Discloses a Sexual Assault?

In this LFJ article, two crisis experts at the National Association of School Psychologists offer professional guidance for navigating the difficult task of responding to student reports of sexual assault. Teachers must “balance the role of a caring confidant with the role of a mandatory reporter. Both roles require putting the child’s welfare ahead of the educator’s discomfort.”

Read more here.

A teenage girl reading a book at a desk.

Resources for Addressing Sexual Assault and Harassment in Class

Whether the conversation is started by educators or students, classroom discussions of sexual assault and harassment are an important way to inform and protect young people. This LFJ article lists resources on topics related to sexual violence, from rape culture to sexist language to physical and online harassment and beyond.

Read more here.

Resource Spotlight

Professional Development Opportunities

Four people meeting in an office around a table with laptops.

Professional Learning Workshops

LFJ offers virtual open-enrollment professional learning workshops for current K-12 classroom teachers, administrators and counselors, and for anyone who coaches classroom teachers and administrators. Spring workshops are now open. Check out our list of available workshops and register today!

Professional Learning Institutes

This summer, LFJ will host two Professional Learning Institutes: low-cost, weeklong, immersive, place-based learning experiences that will support educators’ capacities to implement social justice education in their practice. Learn more about the institutes and how to apply here.

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