April 2023 Edition
De Anza Natural presents a unique opportunity to advance our climate goals and remain an attractive destination for San Diegans and visitors. This northeast corner of Mission Bay is frequented by District 1 residents enjoying the open parkland, youth sports fields, and San Diego’s only night-lit golf course. At the same time, the city continues the environmental clean-up of the former De Anza trailer park. I recognize the importance of accommodating the existing recreational uses while maximizing the creation of new wetlands and meeting our Climate Action Plan goals. De Anza is a small portion of Mission Bay’s 4500 acres but offers a unique opportunity to restore the wetlands that were once commonplace. I am closely monitoring this process and welcome your perspective as the city continues to seek public input.

The review period for public comment is open through Thursday, April 20, 2023. I encourage you to review the plan here and submit your comments to [email protected]. This item is anticipated to be heard by the full Council in the fall. 
A critical double-armed streetlight at La Jolla Cove was knocked over during February’s severe windstorm. The absence of night lighting left the area engulfed in darkness, potentially risking public safety for those using the boardwalk or accessing the stairs to the beach. Upon hearing about delays in replacing this light, I pushed the City to expedite replacement. Fortunately, the base and the wiring were in good condition, and we had a replacement handy. Just one day later, City crews arrived on the scene to replace the missing light. I am working with the Mayor to reduce the turnaround for street outages across District 1. The City recently contracted with an outside vendor to address the backlog, which exceeds the capacity of the City’s in-house electricians. Please continue to call my office at 619-236-6611, or better yet, report outages with the Get it Done App.
The City continues to make strides to address climate change. I worked closely with city staff and the Mayor’s Office to advance the Mayor’s update of the City’s Climate Action Plan (CAP) from the Environmental Committee to the full City Council. The update was an important step in formalizing the City’s new goals of serving San Diego residences and businesses with 100% renewable energy by 2030, and net zero emissions by 2035, reinforcing our standing as a national climate leader.  

The City also released the Climate Action Implementation Plan as a guiding document for sequencing and funding the next steps in achieving our greenhouse gas reduction goals. As chair of the City’s Environment Committee, I was proud to collaborate with city staff in developing the plan with a sense of urgency. The Implementation Plan represents a sea change in the City’s approach to climate action by shifting to a citywide system that integrates all City departments into meeting the CAP goals while continuing to deliver fundamental City services. 
San Diegans play a critical role in the implementation plan. We continue to seek the public’s expertise and experience as we move forward. I partnered with local environmental leaders to create a Climate Advisory Board and a Resiliency Advisory Board that City Council unanimously supported. We will begin nominating and appointing members in April. If you are interested in serving on one of these boards, please make your application here

Carmel Valley residents voiced concerns over asphalt cracks throughout a heavily used pathway running through the Sandshore Court minipark. The pathway is a community connector frequented by families and neighbors who walk their dogs, ride bikes, push strollers, and power walk.   

Team LaCava collaborated with residents and City crews to cold-patched and fill the cracks. Special thanks to Stephen Shewmaker for working with us. Together, we got it done! You are our eyes and ears in your neighborhoods, don't hesitate to get in touch with my office at 619-236-6611, and we will work to help you. 
The City of San Diego and SANDAG are launching a neighborhood electric vehicle (NEV) shuttle service in the community of Pacific Beach. The all-electric PB shuttle is designed to travel up to 25 mph, providing a new, fun, and sustainable way to get around town. It will also help connect PB to the Balboa Transit Station. Learn more here and take the short survey. 
Solana Highlands Elementary School students and families now have a new solar-powered sign with flashing lights to help them safely cross a busy intersection just outside of their school and their neighborhood park. Team LaCava was proud to work with concerned parents, residents, and the Carmel Valley Community Planning Board members who led the effort to get this project done. 

Thank you to each of you who alerted my office about this issue. Please know that you can always call my office at 619-236-6611, and we will work with you to address neighborhood issues.
To move District 1 and the City of San Diego closer to sustainable solutions, I must engage and understand the issues I am working to solve. That is why I have participated in the annual Point in Time Count (PITC) for the past several years. The PITC is federally mandated to monitor the change in the number and demographics of unhoused individuals and families across the region living on our streets and in our shelters. The federal government uses this data to determine the annual awards of federal dollars. 
Team LaCava volunteered with Shoreline Community Services to survey Pacific Beach this year. We walked the boardwalk, sidewalks, and alleys. We interviewed unhoused individuals and identified those living in vehicles. 

Nearly 1600 volunteers across the county participated in the event, which started at 4 a.m. We are grateful to each of them.  
Constituent services are Job One in my council office. My reps attend your community’s monthly meetings and are your gateway to work with City staff to resolve your issues. You are always welcome and encouraged to reach out to us from anywhere in the District or the City.  

District 1 Office: 619-236-6611 and [email protected] 
Venessa Jackson will direct your call to the staff best suited to respond to your issue. 

Carrie Shah, Community Representative 
Pacific Beach 
[email protected] and 619-236-6615 
Emily Lynch, Community Representative 
Carmel Valley, Del Mar Mesa, Torrey Hills, and Pacific Highlands Ranch  
[email protected] and 619-236-6159 
Steve Hadley, Community Outreach Director 
La Jolla 
[email protected] and 619-236-6972 
Krissy Chan, Policy Associate  
Del Mar Heights, Torrey Pines, University City 
[email protected] and 619-236-6981 
To stay up-to-date on all District 1 news and updates, please follow me on Twitter @JoeLaCavaD1, Facebook @JoeLaCavaD1, and Instagram @joelacava_d1. To ensure you receive our occasional updates, sign up here.  
Councilmember LaCava honoring the City's hard-working engineers for their diligent work. They are an essential part of what keeps our city running; their work helps shape our city’s future.