WE MADE A REALLY BIG DIFFERENCE! Every year in Spring, an army of #LitterHeroes takes to our streets, parks, beaches, school playgrounds (and more!) to protect their local environment from litter. Hundreds of thousands of #LitterHeroes showed pride in their communities and public spaces, and pledged to pick more than 400,000 bags of litter that would have otherwise remained in our beautiful outdoors, posing a threat to wildlife and marine life too. NOMINATE YOUR FAVOURITE #LITTERHEROES NOW! We've been so inspired by your unwavering commitment to protecting the environment that Keep Britain Tidy is introducing Great British Spring Clean Awards - the Golden Globes of the litter-fighting community (one might even call them the Green Globes!) - to officially recognise and reward our volunteers. We have six awards up for grabs, and you can either nominate on behalf of yourself/your group, or another #LitterHero who has inspired you. Once nominated, a panel will shortlist nominees and voting will open to our community. Who are your favourite #LitterHeroes? Vote now! |