[[link removed]]Friend, chances are that when you think of rainforests,
you picture lush greenery among towering old-growth trees, brightly colored
birds, and iconic wildlife like orangutans and elephants living harmoniously
among flourishing plants.
But the harsh reality is that this vibrant and pleasant depiction of our jungles
is becoming increasingly scarce today. Our rainforests are being DECIMATED by corporate greed -- ancient treescapes being carelessly HACKED AWAY at and roaring FOREST FIRES in thick clouds of smoke, leaving behind industrial wastelands of STUMPS AND RUBBLE in what was once a thriving ecosystem.
What’s even worse, is that along with this industrial deforestation comes VIOLENT land grabbing where Indigenous People are aggressively expelled from their homes with force.
Driven by profit, powerful companies are committing horrific human rights abuses
and destroying the last of our world’s great rainforests -- all to produce junk
food and cosmetics. Friend, we cannot let BlackRock continue to finance the
violation of human rights and the exploitation of our Earth for profit. DEMAND environmental justice for our planet and all of the living beings who
call these precious rainforests home! >>
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[[link removed]]Agribusiness is the world’s leading cause of deforestation, and if we allow this industry to thrive, it will negatively impact everything we love about this precious Earth.
Not only is mass deforestation and land grabbing devastating for our rainforests and all those who live there, but it also has severe global impacts.
Rainforests are an essential part of our ecosystems, providing us with oxygen and storing massive amounts of carbon from the
atmosphere. Our planet is already IN PERIL due to the human-driven climate crisis -- so rainforests are more vital than
ever to the Earth’s survival.
But BlackRock is more concerned with immediate profits than the long-term implications of deforestation and land grabbing. And unless we stand up against these corporate bullies NOW, our rainforests could soon be DESTROYED FOREVER -- which will have irreparable consequences to life on Earth as we know it. Please, Friend, we’re relying on environmentalists like
you to speak up. Will you take urgent action to help SAVE our rainforests from
corporate greed before it’s too late?
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[[link removed]]Thanks for being a part of the fight,
Friends of the Earth
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