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Hi John,

The Philadelphia Fraternal Order of Police and its Trump-loving President, John McNesby, just donated more money to my opponent than to every other candidate they supported, combined — all of whom are Republican.

As an establishment politician, Christy Brady is certainly aware that donation comes with strings attached...

City Controller is supposed to be the watch dog for government agencies like the police, and to audit our city government to make certain our tax dollars aren't being misused, or misappropriated, or worse.

Fund misuse would never be a problem for the police, right? Read here AND here...

I refuse any donation that comes with strings attached. So as City Controller, I will find out. I will examine every available city record — all aspects of city government spending — until the truth comes to light.

And I will demand accountability from the police moving forward.

I don't accept donations from the Fraternal Order of Police, or Big Pharma, or Big Oil, or from billionaire CEOs looking for influence.

That's why I've put so much of my own money into this race. I couldn't do my job as City Controller if I owed somebody or some agency a "favor."

...I wonder what the police hope to get from their $17,500 investment in my opponent?

Whatever they're hoping for, Philadelphia deserve a better deal.

I'm all in on this campaign, but I need your help to fight back against my police-funded opponent. Can you pitch-in now, even $5 helps, to power our campaign through the next 43 days till Election Day?

Contribute Now

We're in the final stretch of this race — I know that if we do this together, we'll be victorious on May 16th, Election Day.

Thanks for everything you do,

Alexandra Hunt

Democrat for City Controller

Alexandra Hunt is a public health researcher, a girls’ soccer coach, an advocate for social, racial, economic, and environmental justice, and a community organizer. 

She's the daughter of two teachers and a sister to a twin brother with a learning disability. Seeing the systemic obstacles her brother faced inspired Alexandra to become an advocate and challenge barriers on the basis of race, gender, class, and ability.

Now, Alexandra's running to be the Philly's next City Controller because the people in Philly work too hard for too little. And right now, line items in budgets create lines for food and health care. It's time to elect a City Controller who is going to prioritize the needs of the communities Philly's money comes from.

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