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The Democrats Budget Targets Fail To Provide Tax Relief, Instead Spend Entire Surplus

Democrat Budget Targets were released this week, and amount to $17.9 billion in additional spending. This equates to a record 30% increase to the state’s current budget. 


The Democrat majority in the legislature have released budget targets, a document that shows where their priorities lie. Their targets include a nearly 30% increase in state spending, tax increases, and spending ALL the over-taxation. Democrats are asking for more from hard-working Minnesotans, in an effort to be even more intrusive in all of our daily affairs.



Republicans Propose a Path Forward To Invest In Minnesota 

This week, Minnesota Senate Republicans introduced alternate budget targets that serve as a path forward to invest in Minnesotans. The proposal shifts a cash bonding target to a general obligation bond target, freeing up $1.9 billion to invest in other areas. This shift delivers permanent tax relief, a strong bonding bill, and additional support for Minnesota’s long-term care and agriculture industries. 


Throughout this session, Senate Republican leaders made clear that there must be movement on tax relief before a bonding bill is passed. Senate Democrats still moved forward with their bonding bill to the Senate floor where it failed to pass. Democrat budget targets were then released, amounting to massive spending; higher than the $17.5 billion surplus and no plan for tax relief. 


The Senate Republicans’ alternative proposal allows for investment in several key priorities: 

  • An additional $1.146 billion to the tax target, to provide a full elimination of the tax on social security
  • An increase in bonding funding, to be used on local roads and bridges
  • An increase in the Human Services budget, to provide additional support to long-term care facilities
  • An increase in the agriculture budget to ensure the industry continues to thrive

I believe this is a path forward and a true compromise that puts Minnesotans first.


Universal School Lunches

Recently, Senate Democrats introduced legislation that would guarantee free school breakfasts and lunches for every child in public Minnesota schools. While altruistic in intent, it begs an important question: Why should the Minnesotan taxpayer have to foot the bill to pay for the lunches of children who come from affluent families? Is it not a parents' responsibility to feed their own children? There is no such thing as a state-funded program; only taxpayer-funded.


It’s critical to ensure that all Minnesota children have access to school meals. However, there are already programs in place to ensure just that. That is why I see this legislation as well-intended but a misuse of taxpayer dollars. With nearly half of Minnesota students unable to read at grade level, we must prioritize our state spending to address the literacy crisis–not meals for affluent families. 



Legislative Audit Commission

During a recent Legislative Audit Commission hearing, we heard an evaluation of the Metropolitan Council’s management of Southwest Light Right construction. I shared my thoughts on the Met Council’s ongoing failure and extreme lack of accountability. Click HERE to watch.


My District, My Minnesota Art Contest

I'm excited to announce that Haylie was chosen to represent Senate District 31 in the 'My District, My Minnesota' art contest! This is a wonderful representation of our community, and we are proud to hang it in the Minnesota Senate Building for the remainder of 2023.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me for help with any state issue or legislative initiative: [email protected] or at (651) 296-3219.

Senator Calvin Bahr

Minnesota Senate, District 31


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