
I waited until today to send my weekly campaign brief because I appeared on CNN yesterday morning to talk about the most pressing topics in the news and wanted to share my interview with you. I went on CNN to talk about the bogus, political indictment of President Trump, the renewed debate over school security after the shooting in Nashville, and the recent passage of the Republican energy bill through the House of Representatives. 

I like to go on left-leaning networks like CNN because I think it is important for conservatives to speak to audiences who may not usually hear our arguments on key policy debates. As you’ll see in the clips below, when conservatives make level-headed arguments based on facts, we can be persuasive even to people that regularly tune into CNN.

As always, thanks for your support. Now, here’s your brief. 
The first topic of my interview with CNN was the overtly political indictment of President Donald Trump. 

If this were anyone but Trump, would this New York District Attorney even take up the case? It’s a simple question that I asked the CNN audience to honestly consider. Because when you put your political biases aside and view this through a nonpartisan lens, the answer is obviously that there is no way any prosecutor would bring this case UNLESS they wanted to go after Donald Trump politically. 

Regardless of your opinion of President Trump, we should all be able to admit this fact: this decision to indict a former president and current presidential candidate on a very weak case is going to have serious ramifications for the future. 

It weakens everyone’s faith in the integrity of America’s judicial system. And for all the left’s talk about “threats to our democracy,” I would certainly classify a weaponized justice system against political opponents as a threat to democracy. The fairness of our judicial system is essential to our nation’s rule of law, and the rule of law is essential to our democracy. This bogus case against Donald Trump undermines both.

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We also discussed the tragedy in Nashville, Tennessee, in which three children and three adults were murdered in yet another school shooting at the hands of a deranged individual. 

We are all so sick of these tragedies. Truthfully, no one can understand what possesses a human being to commit such evil. It’s a contagion that has spread within our society ever since the Columbine shooters opened the door to senseless, dramatic, public mass shootings. And because no one understands it, the national conversation devolves into senseless finger pointing. 

The common narrative from the left and much of the media after these tragedies is always to go after guns. They want to ban certain types of guns and deny law-abiding Americans the right to own a firearm. But their proposed solutions will undermine the Second Amendment while doing little to actually solve the problem. 

The best way to solve this problem without trampling on our Constitutional rights is to put armed security guards at every single school in this country. Anyone who is serious about securing any location, whether it’s a school, or an airport, or corporate offices like the ones at CNN, knows that armed guards are the first thing you put resources toward. 

Texas alone recently allocated $400 million for school security upgrades. Most schools already have armed security guards but we need to make sure they ALL do. We are never going to be able to change the evil inside a person that drives them to kill innocent children. What we can do is have all of the security measures in place to stop them. In fact, the Nashville shooter was deterred from attacking another school in the area because it had “too much security,” according to police. 

Taking away guns from law-abiding Americans won’t stop school shootings. Putting armed guards at every school in America will. It’s common sense and a good investment for the safety of our kids.

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Last week, House Republicans passed H.R. 1, the Lower Energy Costs Act. It was our top priority, which is why it was given #1 as the bill number, and it’s full of commonsense, uncontroversial energy policy. Yet somehow the vast majority of Democrats voted against the bill. They had little specifics when arguing against it and instead reverted to their usual hyperbolic rhetoric that the legislation will kill the planet because it supports American oil and gas production.

We can’t survive on a wind and solar-only energy future. It’s unreliable, and it’s irresponsible for my colleagues on the left to continue pushing this narrative. H.R. 1 removes permitting obstacles for American natural gas, which can provide safe, clean, affordable, and abundant energy to the world and displace foreign coal, which is the primary driver of global emissions. 

This bill makes it easier to tap into America’s vast deposits of critical minerals, which we need to make things like batteries and steel domestically rather than relying on China. And this bill includes two provisions I introduced to protect America’s oil refining capacity and make it easier for states to develop carbon capture projects.

This bill simply promotes affordable, reliable energy produced right here in America. We produce the cleanest energy in the world and when we export that energy abroad, we lower global emissions. This bill checks all the boxes–it’s good for energy production, consumers, and the environment. It is a shame so many Democrats voted against it in the House and that Chuck Schumer and Joe Biden will likely prevent it from becoming law while they’re in control of the Senate and White House.
That's it for this week's campaign brief. Thanks for your reading and your support!
In Service,
Dan Crenshaw
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