Dear Fellow Patriot, I wanted to personally introduce you to my good friend, and longtime advisor, Norm Singleton. Norm worked closely with me on Capitol Hill for many years before I retired, so I trust his analysis on critical legislative issues. I hope you’ll take the time to read about everything Campaign for Liberty has on its plate this year, and -- if possible -- lend your support. - Ron ![]() Fellow Patriot, Let me begin by saying “Thanks!” for recently taking action in support of Campaign for Liberty’s ongoing efforts to Reclaim the Republic and Restore the Constitution. My name’s Norm Singleton, and I’m proud to serve as Campaign for Liberty’s President. Before coming to C4L, I spent 15 years on Capitol Hill working for the most principled statesman in our lifetimes -- Dr. Ron Paul. As Congressman Paul’s longtime Legislative Director, I’ve seen firsthand the impact grassroots activists can have on policy battles. That’s why our work at Campaign for Liberty is so important. And why we wouldn’t be able to do it without the action of good people like you. You see, our members and supporters have never bought into one of the worst lies to ever infect our political culture. Perhaps you’ve heard it before. It goes like this: “One person cannot possibly make a difference. So why try?” You know just as well as I do that lie is designed to keep liberty-minded Americans on the couch and silent while statists -- advocates for a society where the government and economy are largely controlled by the state -- shred every last bit of our constitutional liberties. At Campaign for Liberty, we believe the key to restoring our freedoms is to take action and prove to politicians there’s a severe political price to pay for betraying their oaths of office. So with everything you and I have on our plates, I’m hoping you’ll jump into the fray and be right there with us every step of the way. Just over the next few months, Campaign for Liberty activists will play a vital role in cranking up the heat on Congress on a number of key battles, including: *** The Second
Amendment: With gun-grabbers in both parties going all out to shred the Second Amendment at every opportunity -- whether it’s through
NATIONWIDE Gun Registration (H.R. 8) and Confiscation (S.7) schemes, or the so-called “Assault Weapons” Ban (S. 66) -- Campaign for
Liberty is creating a tidal wave of opposition to any attempts to deal away our Second Amendment rights. *** National ID: Campaign for Liberty has led the fight on Capitol Hill for years now to stop plans for a National ID/Database in its tracks. This scheme to create a biometric ID for everyone as a requirement for employment in the United States has been a part of each and every so-called “immigration reform” bill since the early years of the Obama administration. *** The DISCLOSE Act: This First Amendment-shredding bill (H.R. 1) would force organizations like Campaign for Liberty to publicize information on our supporters. This would have an incredible chilling effect on free speech, as many liberty-loving Americans would silence themselves for fear of becoming targets of political “retribution” by radical left-wing mobs. *** Cap and Tax: Part of the proposed “Green New Deal,” this scheme would give government bureaucrats UNPRECEDENTED control over the private sector -- and our very lives. They’ll be able to demand you change your way of living -- forcing you to “retrofit” your house with “government-approved” light bulbs, refrigerators, water heaters, toilets, air conditioners, and whatever else they can dream up. *** European-style socialized medicine: After a federal judge ruled ObamaCare is unconstitutional, Obama’s Big Government boondoggle is unraveling at its seams. Congressional Republicans are now under enormous pressure to cave in to the radical leftists’ demands for socialized medicine. It won’t be long before efforts to “fix” ObamaCare are going to be put forward as the “moderate,” “compromise” position! And there’s so much more we’re facing that I haven’t even mentioned. But our influence on these issues will only be felt by the continued action of patriots like you. The good news is, with your help, I’m confident we will see the day free markets, sound money, respect for individual liberty, and constitutional principles are finally restored in America. Thank you once again for taking action in support of Campaign for Liberty’s initiatives and I look forward to all you and I will achieve together! In Liberty, Norm Singleton President P.S. Unlike the Federal Reserve, Campaign for Liberty cannot just print money out of thin air. We depend on the generosity of patriotic Americans just like you. To help Campaign for Liberty’s ongoing efforts to Reclaim the Republic and Restore the Constitution, please consider chipping in $25, $10, or whatever you can afford TODAY! |