Dear Friends,

“Solitary isn’t something we do to people behind bars. It’s something we do to them forever. And it needs to be universally understood how utterly indefensible it is.” - John Oliver

Solitary confinement isn’t laughable, except for the absurdity of it – which is exactly what John Oliver points out in this week’s Last Week Tonight with John Oliver show.

Watch and share the episode. It can be viewed on YouTube with no fee, or on HBO.

The show features a segment of Joseph De La Luz’s interview with NRCAT in our Humans Out of Solitary series. We encourage you to share that interview on social media, in a newsletter, for a time of reflection to start or end a meeting in your congregation, or with an elected official.

Watch the Humans Out of Solitary series interview by NRCAT with Joseph De La Luz.

Perhaps John Oliver’s take on the torture of solitary confinement can help convince your cousin or friend who’s been on the fence about it. Sharing the episode might open a conversation with a colleague or decision-maker, and a new opportunity to spread the word that this “utterly indefensible” torture must end.


The NRCAT Team, Johnny, Laura, Ron and T.C.

P.S. Watch more interviews in our Humans Out of Solitary series here.

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National Religious Campaign Against Torture
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