All across the country, rights are being rolled-back in real-time by folks with a zest for demonization.
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John -

In just a moment, I am going to ask you to make a contribution to my PAC, Campaign for Democracy. Please give me a chance to explain why this request — especially today — is so important.

Here is the truth:

All across the country, our rights are being rolled-back in real-time by Republicans with a zest for demonization.

They silence speech, kidnap immigrants, subjugate women and promote grievance and victimhood to distract from the fact that health care and education outcomes, economic progress for working folks, and violent crime rates are far worse in “red states” than they are in “blue” ones.

They cry “freedom” but work overtime to take away rights and dismantle our democracy in order to protect their power to dictate the choices people are allowed to make.

And somehow, Democrats are constantly on the defense. We allow these culture wars to take shape and people get distracted from the issues that matter in their lives.

That has to end.

We have to flip the “red state freedom” narrative on its head.

Do Floridians and Texans know that California has a lower homicide rate than their states? They will.

Do they know California has a lower infant mortality rate than Texas and Florida? They will.

Do they know California is the 4th largest economy in the world with better health care and education outcomes than Texas and Florida? They will.

But I cannot do it alone.

And as I launch this new effort, I need to ask if you’ll support this work. This is important and personal to me — so I am asking:

Can you please contribute $3 to my Campaign for Democracy today? It would mean a lot if you became a Founding Donor. And in truth, the amount isn’t as important as you being a part of this fight.

If you've stored your info with ActBlue, we'll process your contribution instantly:

Thank you,



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1787 Tribute Road, Suite K
Sacramento, CA 95815