
We can’t believe it’s here already, team.

The May elections in Texas are just over a month away. That means it’s time to Get Out The Vote

Ground Game Texas has secured THREE major ballot initiatives across Texas. We want to tell you a bit about them in just a second. 

But first, with Get Out The Vote officially underway, can you chip in $25, or whatever you can afford to help us bring progressive change to Texas? Every contribution helps us organize Texas and bring progressive policies to communities like yours.

Chip in >>

Team, in less than two years, Ground Game Texas has become one of the most successful political organizations in the state. We’ve launched nearly a dozen campaigns, talked to millions of voters, helped register thousands to vote, and we’ve passed every single initiative we’ve placed on the ballot.

But the May elections may be our biggest test yet. We’ve got THREE major initiatives on the ballot across Texas:

We’re up against powerful, wealthy forces that are spending MILLIONS to block these progressive changes. That’s why we’re counting on support from folks like you who power our work. Can you chip in $25, or whatever you can afford, to help us Get Out The Vote and pass progressive change in Texas?

Together, we’re organizing Texas for a better future. Thanks for being a part of this movement.


Ground Game Texas