Take some time to support the National School Climate Survey!

Dear John,

Did you know that GLSEN research was mentioned in the last round of Democratic primary debates? A candidate referenced the 2017 National School Climate survey findings about LGBTQ youth missing school because of feeling unsafe. 

Anyone running for public office (especially president!) needs to understand what LGBTQ students experience in their schools. However, they can only know what school is like for LGBTQ youth if LGBTQ youth themselves speak out and make their voices heard.

If you are a middle or high school student in the U.S., taking the NSCS is a great way to make sure your voice is helping to shape the national conversation about LGBTQ rights!

GLSEN’s National School Climate Survey is the only national survey that specifically examines the school experiences of LGBTQ youth, and provides information to educate the public and elected officials about the experiences these students face at their schools every day. Take or share the 2019 survey TODAY at glsen.org/survey to ensure that this important data continues to be available to make change for LGBTQ youth and that your story helps to shape the national conversation about LGBTQ youth!

If you attended high school or middle school sometime during this current school year (2018-2019), identify as LGBTQ, and are at least 13 years old, tell us about your experiences (If you did not complete the entire school year you can still participate in the survey). The survey is completely anonymous and confidential and you can stop taking it at any point.

If you are not a student, you can still help!

Thank you for being a safe schools advocate and supporting this important research!


In Solidarity,

The GLSEN Research Institute

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