Nutrition support just isn’t enough for kids in need
Save the Children Action Network is the political voice for kids.
Friend –
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It’s about one of the most devastating challenges children in America face: hunger.
With inflation on the rise, nutritious food is getting harder and harder to afford. Kids’ health and futures are at risk — unless our nation provides the support they urgently need.
Food prices hit a record high in 2022 — and they’re predicted to continue rising.
These increases impact us all. But they’re pushing many families to the brink of hunger.
Especially in rural America, where inflation is hitting communities hard. Our recent poll of small-town voters found that 77% of parents fear they won’t be able to feed their kids this year.
Friend, 42 million people nationwide rely on SNAP. About half are kids.
But at current levels, SNAP just isn’t enough. Most families run out of benefits halfway through the month. They clearly can’t afford to have less support.
Without adequate food support, children could suffer devastating consequences... stunted growth, delayed social-emotional development and trouble staying focused in school to name just a few.
Kids need your voice and your compassionate support. Your donation will help hold lawmakers – from the White House to state houses – accountable to children’s needs. Please donate today – even $5 can make a difference!
Save the Children Action Network | 899 North Capitol Street NE | Suite 900 | Washington District of Columbia 20002 | (800) 243-5075
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