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*Month in Review*
*March 2023*
BJS publication
"Substantiated Incidents of Sexual Victimization Reported by Juvenile Justice Authorities, 2013?2018 [ [link removed] ]"
Administrators in state juvenile systems and locally and privately operated juvenile facilities reported 1,263 substantiated incidents of sexual victimization perpetrated by youth and 499 perpetrated by staff over a six-year period of 2013?18.
Substantiated incidents involved allegations that were investigated and determined to have occurred based on a preponderance of the evidence. These incidents could have had multiple victims or multiple perpetrators, which could result in more persons involved than the total number of incidents.
Read the Full Press Release [ [link removed] ]
Read the Summary [ [link removed] ]
Read the Full Report [ [link removed] ]
BJS publication
"HIV in Prisons, 2021 ? Statistical Tables [ [link removed] ]"
This report provides data on persons in the custody of state and federal correctional authorities who were known to be living with HIV in 2021. The report presents national- and jurisdiction-level estimates of the number and rate of prisoners living with HIV while in the custody of state and federal correctional authorities. Jurisdictional data on HIV testing practices during intake, while in custody, and during discharge planning are also included.
Read the Full Report [ [link removed] ]
BJS publication
"Criminal Victimization in the 22 Largest U.S. States, 2017?2019 [ [link removed] ]"
BJS released "Criminal Victimization in the 22 Largest U.S. States, 2017?2019," the first release of subnational violent and property victimization estimates from the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS). This report presents selected state-level estimates of violent and property victimization for the 3-year aggregate period of 2017?19 in the 22 most populous U.S. states. It offers the first picture of victimization rates across states and how their reported and unreported crime levels vary.
Read the Full Press Release [ [link removed] ]
Read the Summary [ [link removed] ]
Read the Full Report [ [link removed] ]
BJS third-party report
BJS-funded third-party report: "National Crime Victimization Survey: Validation of State-Level Estimates [ [link removed] ] "
This report describes an assessment of the redesigned National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) sample design to (1) identify potential sources of error that may compromise the validity of state-level estimates and (2) evaluate how NCVS estimates compare with and augment estimates from the Federal Bureau of Investigation?s Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program. This validation concluded that no issues were identified regarding the validity of state-level victimization estimates produced through the 2016 NCVS sample design. Additionally, the validation results will inform BJS?s ongoing subnational estimation work.
Read the Full Report [ [link removed] ]
UPDATED Date User's Guide
"National Crime Victimization Survey: State-Level Analysis User?s Guide [ [link removed] ]"
This document describes the guidelines developed by BJS for producing state-level estimates with NCVS data and additional considerations and recommendations that researchers should bear in mind when conducting state-level analyses. Strategies for avoiding potential pitfalls and ensuring the reliability of results and conclusions from subnational analyses are also provided. Example code in SAS is also included to illustrate methods for generating common estimates and comparisons produced with NCVS data.
Read the Full User's Guide [ [link removed] ]
BJS data collection
*2020 and 2021 Federal Justice Statistics Program datasets [ [link removed] ]*
BJS has released 35 datasets from the Federal Justice Statistics Program (FJSP) for 2020 and 2021 through the National Archive of Criminal Justice Data. These datasets provide comprehensive and detailed information about the federal justice system's processing of criminal cases. It includes annual data on the workload, activities, and outcomes associated with federal criminal cases.
The program collects data from the U.S. Marshals Service, Executive Office for United States Attorneys, Administrative Office of the United States Courts, U.S. Sentencing Commission, and Federal Bureau of Prisons.
Access the Datasets [ [link removed] ]
BJS data collection
*U.S. Sentencing Commission dataset collections*
BJS released two datasets for each of the following three U.S. Sentencing Commission (USSC) collections through the National Archive of Criminal Justice Data:??
* Monitoring of Federal Criminal Sentences Series covers federal criminal cases received by the USSC that had sentencing dates between October 1, 2019, and September 30, 2021, and were assessed as constitutional.
* Monitoring of Federal Criminal Convictions and Sentences: Appeals Data Series covers case, defendant, and sentence characteristics in criminal appeals that were disposed from 2020 to 2021.
* Organizations Convicted in Federal Criminal Courts Series covers offense, sentencing, and defendant characteristics of organizations criminally sentenced in federal district courts from 2020 to 2021.?
Access 2019?20 Federal Criminal Sentences Data [ [link removed] ]
Access 2020?21 Federal Criminal Sentences Data [ [link removed] ]
Access 2020 Federal Criminal Appeals Data [ [link removed] ]
Access 2021 Federal Criminal Appeals Data [ [link removed] ]
Access 2020 Federal Convictions of Organizations Data [ [link removed] ]
Access 2021 Federal Convictions of Organizations Data [ [link removed] ]
BJS data collection
*2020 Law Enforcement Management and Administrative Statistics dataset [ [link removed] ]*
BJS released data from the 2020 Law Enforcement Management and Administrative Statistics (LEMAS) collection through the National Archive of Criminal Justice Data. LEMAS collects data from over 3,000 general-purpose state and local law enforcement agencies, including all those that employ 100 or more sworn officers and a nationally representative sample of smaller agencies.
Access the Dataset [ [link removed] ]
BJS solicitation
*FY 2023 Survey of State Parole Agencies on Reentry Services solicitation [ [link removed] ]*
BJS seeks applications for administering the fiscal year 2023 Survey of State Parole Agencies on Reentry Services (SSPARS). The SSPARS will generate national- and state-level statistics on the types of treatment programs, housing and education assistance, and other reentry services received by adults under supervision by parole agencies in the 50 states and the District of Columbia. During this 33-month program, the grantee will be expected to (1) convene an expert panel and conduct stakeholder engagement, (2) develop the survey instrument, (3) administer the survey, (4) clean the data, and (5) deliver the data files and documentation.
Apply Now [ [link removed] ]
BJS solicitation
*FY 2023 National Criminal History Improvement Program (NCHIP) solicitation [ [link removed] ]*
BJS seeks applications for funding for the fiscal year 2023 National Criminal History Improvement Program (NCHIP). This program aims to reduce violent crime and address gun violence by improving the accuracy, utility, and interstate accessibility of criminal-history and related records in support of national record systems and their use for name- and fingerprint-based criminal history background checks.
Apply Now [ [link removed] ]
BJS solicitation
*FY 2023 Census of Publicly Funded Forensic Crime Laboratories solicitation [ [link removed] ]*
BJS seeks applications for administering the fiscal year 2024 Census of Publicly Funded Forensic Crime Laboratories. This program provides insight into U.S. crime laboratories to identify their resources, needs, trends, and challenges.
Apply Now [ [link removed] ]
BJS announcement
*BJS is Hiring! Supervisory Management and Program Analyst [ [link removed] ]*
This position oversees the annual budget formulation and execution and the management and monitoring of funds. It is also responsible for establishing and managing performance analysis programs and methodologies to improve the effectiveness for administrative functions. The position supervises a group of employees performing work at the GS-13 level and provides administrative and technical supervision necessary for accomplishing the work of the unit.?
View the Full Announcement and Apply Now [ [link removed] ]
BJS announcement
*New BJS Principal Deputy Director Kevin Scott, PhD [ [link removed] ]*
BJS is pleased to announce Kevin Scott, PhD, as its new Principal Deputy Director. Kevin has a wealth of subject matter expertise, statistical knowledge, and management skills. He has been with BJS since July of 2017 and served as Deputy Director of Statistical Operations since September 2021. In that role, he oversaw BJS?s statistical collections and was a member of BJS?s leadership team.
Read the Full Announcement [ [link removed] ]
BJS Webinar
*The National Census of Victim Service Providers: Data, Resources, and Implications for Practitioners [ [link removed] ]*
This webinar provides an overview of the?National Census of Victim Service Providers (NCVSP)?and a demonstration of recently released?interactive maps [ [link removed] ]?analyzing 2017 data at the county level. Recent developments and updates for the 2023 NCVSP are also discussed.
Viewers learn about the importance of these data to the victim services field, how they can be used to understand the current landscape of victim services across the country, and characteristics of victim service providers.
Watch Now [ [link removed] ]
BJS Webinar
*Direct Estimation Methods and the National Crime Victimization Survey [ [link removed] ]*
This webinar provides an overview of methods for calculating variance of estimates from complex sample designs, including direct and indirect methods. It focuses on two methods for calculating direct variance estimates: Taylor series linearization (TSL) and balanced repeated replication (BRR). The panel uses SAS and SPSS to demonstrate the methods with examples using data from the National Crime Victimization Survey.?
Watch Now [ [link removed] ]
BJS Video Alt 2
*Learn more about the National Crime Victimization Survey [ [link removed] ]*
These videos provide important information about the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) for the public and for households and persons selected to participate in the survey. They include general information about the NCVS, how households are selected, how data are collected, and the importance of the NCVS. There are videos for both adult and youth participants, and each is available in English and Spanish.
Watch Now [ [link removed] ]
BJS conferences
*BJS Director Alex Piquero attended the following conferences:*
* BIA's Tribal Court Assessment (TCA) In-Service Meeting
* The Mastrofski Lecture
* Statistics Canada?
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